Do you find yourself routinely dealing with disorganization or forgetfulness that seems to impact your life in one way or another? Most of us are a bit familiar with the symptoms of ADHD or at least we think we are. We question how someone might seem to be so focused in certain areas of life like school or work yet struggle with things like managing chores or just waking up on time. Well, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often provides the common thread that ties together symptoms that may seem unrelated.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Do you sometimes wonder why things that are seemingly simple for others pose a struggle for you?
The therapists here understand that ADHD is a condition that affects many children and adults as well. Although the symptoms are often most easy to identify in children, its surprising how many adults may have spent most of their lives battling with hypersensitivity surrounding criticism or have difficulty in regulating their emotions but had no idea that these are also symptoms related to ADHD. Our team is experienced at providing testing and full assessments for ADHD in order to help you fully understand the severity and type of condition you may possess. We know that with the proper diagnosis and treatment that you can learn exactly how your brain functions and how to gain and maintain control over your unique thinking style.
What is ADHD?

ADHD is a mental health condition which causes difficulty in the brain’s pleasure and reward center. It specifically impacts four major areas of the brain; 1) Frontal Cortex, 2) Limbic System, 3) Basal Ganglia, 4) Reticular Activating System. What does all this mean? Those with ADHD desire to feel good in the moment and have trouble thinking through the impacts of their actions or decisions long-term.
While this condition is often focused on children or teens, many adults suffer from the following symptoms as well which creates problems in marriages, work life and social situations.
- Inattention
- Difficulty concentrating
- Impulsivity
- Fidgeting or difficulty sitting still and remaining calm
- Difficulty regulating emotions
- Disorganization
- Excessive talking or interrupting
- Mood swings
- Lack of restraint
- Forgetfulness or easily distracted
Let us empower you so that your Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder stops overpowering you.
As therapists, we will work with you to learn how to hack your brain so that you can function to your best ability. ADHD does not mean you must live a dysfunctional and difficult life and we are here to help you understand that!