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Bipolar Disorder

Do you find yourself experiencing very elevated moods that seem a bit unusual or different than the moods you see in others?

Do you find yourself experiencing elevated moods that seem a bit unusual or different than the moods you see in others?  Perhaps you feel elevated periods that last for days or even for months in which you feel increased energy, racing thoughts, increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, or impulsivity around sex and spending.  Do you sometimes find yourself having unusual thoughts of paranoia regarding the motives of others?  Or perhaps experiencing bouts of brilliance or life altering epiphanies.  Any altered state of mind can influence how we interpret our actions and how these actions impact those around us.

Do you find that these elevated periods are followed by depressive periods that bring sadness, guilt, irritability, anger, hopelessness, and changes to your sleep?  Perhaps you may feel that there is an absolute loss of joy in the activities that not long ago were a meaningful part of your life.

The therapists here understand that bipolar disorder seems at times to be an unpredictable and mysterious condition that can touch every aspect of your life.  To make things even more difficult, bipolar disorder is extremely difficult to explain to friends, family and others that have a false sense of what bipolar even means.  Being bipolar isn’t the same as being moody or high maintenance or even eccentric.  Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that, when managed properly, can have very little impact on your life.  Our therapists will work with you in recognizing the early signs and signals of an approaching bipolar episode.  We can also help you to understand how to eliminate the stressors and life factors that feed into the bipolar buildup.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a condition in which you experience mood swings ranging from extremely high to extremely low. These emotionally high states are what we call manic or hypomanic episodes. During these high’s, you act irrationally and impulsively causing destruction without the ability to stop and recognize the damage. These manic episodes are then followed by what we call depressive episodes where you experience intense feelings of hopelessness and depression. This disorder can be a result of genetics, biology and environmental factors.

of Bipolar Disorder

  • Increase in energy
  • Irritability
  • Racing thoughts
  • Excessive talking
  • Overconfidence or feelings you are invincible
  • Risky behaviors
  • Easily distracted
  • Pleasure seeking behavior that does not consider consequences or actions
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Appetite changes
  • Memory or concentration difficulties
  • Sleeping changes
  • Suicidal thoughts, self-harm or suicide attempts

Let us empower you so that your bipolar disorder stops overpowering you.

Our therapists can help you learn ways to create consistency in your life and find support during manic and depressive episodes. We will guide you in identifying warning signs of an upcoming episodes and make a plan to prepare for safety. Intellection therapists will help you manage this disorder instead of letting it rule your life.